Happy Mother's Day

Mommy, Mom, Mama, Nanay, Ina..

May 9, 2010 Sunday whole nation celebrates Mother's Day! This is a very special day for all mothers all over the world. We salute them for their kindness, unconditional love and the sacrifice they done for us. A mother holds their children's hand for a short period of time but their hearts keeps on us forever. I love my mom; she is the best mom in the whole world. She is not only a mother to us but also a mother of a whole class, you heard it right. She is a very good teacher for almost 35 years in public school somewhere in Pasay. She always tells us how much she loves and cares for us. Having a mother like her was a greatest gift from above. She shape us in a person who we like, she built us a good relationship and fear with God. She taught us how family is very important among anyone else and I am here now to thank her for a million things that she has done for us.
Thank you for your unwavering support in whatever we done.

Thank you for taking care of us from birth up to now.

my baptismal ceremony

Thank you for bringing us in a good and high-standard school.

graduation day - preparatory (Topec Day Care Center)

graduation day - kinder (Paco Catholic School)

graduation day - high school (Paco Catholic School)

graduation day - college (AMA Computer College)
Thank you for telling me not to give up when I couldn't do it.
Thank you for preparing our baon's everyday.
Thank you for teaching me how to love.
Thank you for your patience when I have "S"
Thank you for loving dad in spite of the trials that our family is facing few years ago.

Thank you for the joy and laughter's that we've shared together.
Thank you for being my inspiration during my exams.
Thank you for the inspirational text messages that you always sent to me.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about life.
Thank you for bringing me me in this world.
Thank you for being such a wonderful mom for us.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you more than words can express. I know I often to tell you these but I really mean it.
Happy Mother's Day Mommy!

"Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs, since the payment is pure love." - Mildred Vermont