For your information, Ian and I are not just an ordinary boyfriend/girlfriend. We are proudly say that we are good buddies, or should I say BEST FRIENDS. We do lots of physical activities together other than photography. Some of it is Badminton, Swimming and of course, Running. We keep on running since 2008. My boss has a great influence when it comes to running. He organized a running club in our office who do running every month. I remember the 1st running event that Ian and I joined was the PSE Takbo para sa Ekonomiya last January 27, 2008. We run for 5km and finished it around 50-60 minutes. Haha..
Official Race Number

After the Run

The next running event that we joined was last July 12, 2009, Fit and Buddy Run. This is a buddy run and 2 people must run and finish together. Our official time was 00:44:21, you see we both improved our running time from 1 hour down to 44 minutes. Haha..
Official Race Number

Before the Run

During the Run

Then, to start the New Year's right, we decided to run again. We joined the Condura Run, Run for the Dolphins. This run is not only for a healthier lifestyle in 2010 but also run to help save the dolphins of Bohol.
Official Race Number
Before the Run

We are proudly say that this time we finished in less than 40 minutes. Ian finished the 5km race in just 34 minutes, and I finished it in 38 minutes. We are happy and satisfied that we enhanced our running skills.
After the Run

Wearing our finisher medal

After the race, there are lots of freebies in the area. Ice cream from Selecta, sports drink for 100 plus, Vitwater, mineral water from summit water, women's health magazine and guess what, for the first time we received a finisher medal! Wow! We are so proud that we completed the 5km run! Unfortunately, we did not reach our target time which is to run 5km in less than 30 minutes, maybe next time.. Haha

Free Energy Drinks

Free Mineral Water
After searching and looking for other freebies, our friends and I decided to have breakfast at Jollibee. I think we burn lots of fats that cause us to eat too much rice. Haha. We discussed that by March this year we will try to challenge ourselves and run in 10km. Waahh.. I hope we finished it in less than 1 hour. How I wish! Hehe.. But to some it all, Running is good for the heart! So keep on Running guys!
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